What types of features are you looking for in a play-by-play entry mode for soccer? Our current concept is an entry mode similar our court based entry in DakStats Basketball. As you click the field, menus will prompt you for the necessary information. What would you like to see in a DakStats Soccer play-by-play entry?
The key to play-by-play to me is not the entry method for soccer. Mostly it is having a record at the end of the match as to what happened when and the format in which that information can be displayed and used. I need to be able to go back and see when everything in the match happened (so running clock is necessary) including shot attempts, corner kicks, fouls, cards, everything.
Not to beat a dead horse, but the easiest thing is to go to any website of a school that uses Stat Crew and view the reports that are generated.
I for one beleve that should be the model for any future enhancements to the DakStat software in ALL SPORTS.
The reports that can be generated with TAS in all the sports are far superior in their detail, presentation and ease to generate than they are in DakStats.
It might actually behoove DakStats to purchase copies of the Stat Cew software and play around with them!
The bottom line is that I can't believe that we are being asked to use a program that you can't even score a game LIVE with (soccer).
I am glad to hear that Dak Stats is working on it, but that doesn't really help us for the season that beings in two months.
The key is to actually have a play-by-play entry mode. And to be able to generate all the statistical categories that the SID's and coaches have become accustomed to in TAS, since that is what the majority of us have been using for years.
Matt Fancett
Asst. AD - Media Relations
Madonna University
SID - WHAC Conference
I think soccer and volleyball have to be difficult with DakStats point and click windows method...
If we (down the road) will have to locate a player on the screen - it'll be tough...
Most people do not like the DOS base that Stat Crew uses, but it works well...I like the fact that in volleyball and soccer (and basketball, football, and baseball), it is simple and clean...
I agree, have Jon purchase TAS (or maybe one of the DAC-10 or GPAC schools lend him a copy) so they can see how it is used, maybe see how the script for the programs are made - so that they might be able to make the necessary changes...
I agree. Point and click can get harry sometimes for basketball due to the speed of the game. While it is easier to train our students on it, because of it's "video game" like quality, I think that the keyboard entry mode of TAS is faster.
And yes, I know that you can do keyboard entry in DakStats but it isn't as simple as the TAS version.
Soccer wouldn't be too hard because the pace is slower than volleyball, but I couldn't imagine trying to do clicking with volleyball.
It may take a little longer to train the memorization of the key sequences in volleyball for TAS, but once you have it, it is FAST.
Matt Fancett
Asst. AD - Media Relations
Madonna University
SID - WHAC Conference
My suggestion for soccer and all dak stats software is to do away with the click and point entry method for entering stats. It's so much easier and quicker to enter the information that way. Also if you don't have a lot of room on a press table, it's (a mouse) is one less thing you need to bring. It's also easier to train workers that way as well.
While I do think that Dakstats has some places it needs to show improvements on - volleyball and soccer - the only problems I have ever run accross on any of the other programs - football, basketball or baseball - are the reports.
This line of thought in this particular forum has continued to blast Dakstats for its point and click method and being difficult to use.
I have used the mouse sometimes but especially in basketball I've learned the system of short keys pretty good that I'm to a point - after three years of use - that I don't really even need a spotter. The spotter is there for bang-bang-bang situations.
I think that we need to try and stay contructive with this forum instead of turning it into an ALL OUT BASH on Jon Grann and Dakstats.
The frustrations for this fall are understandable but I took the time to fill out the ballet that was emailed to me last summer. Until I got that ballet I was preparing myself for doing this last school year.
If you didn't take the time to fill out your ballet, honestly, DON"T COMPLAIN. Just do your job with what you've been delt with.
"Hustle outplays talent when talent doesn't hustle."
Josh, Jon, via the NAIA, emailed us all and asked for us to tell him what we do and do not like about his software.
I don't think anyone is bashing. We are simply stating what we were asked to state.
Like I said, I realize that the HOT KEY OPTION is in fact an option, my point was that even using the hot keys, it is harder to run than TAS.
Unless Dak Stats is made aware of the issues, they will continue to go unsolved.
I have nothing personal against Jon or Dak Stats, but if we as a group are asked to point out the good and the bad, then what would be the point of not pointing out the bad?
As for those you didn't fill out ballot's, I agree. Unfortunately, I have talked to many who never received said ballot, including myself.
So there seems to be a flaw there as well.
I am all for national statistical reporting, as long as it is user friendly, timely and above all else, ACCURATE.
Matt Fancett
Asst. AD - Media Relations
Madonna University
SID - WHAC Conference
While I know that no one is interested in anything different than what we have done for years, the point and click method of entry to me does have one advantage as more and more people add live stats as an option for many of the different sports.
While volleyball I do think is impossible, basketball and soccer could benefit from point and click because shot charts could be available for print and for live stats consumption.
However, for soccer I would have to get another person in the press box as I will have to quit announcing, running the scoreboard and clock and doing stats at the same time.
what if you have more than one goalie in a game? will it mark it the person who is supposed to get the decision correctly???
for example, we used 3 keepers yesterday. The starter allowed one goal, and left trailing 1-0. However, we tied the game before the next goalie gave up 2 goals. The second goalie, not the starter, should get the lost.
Updates will be released tomorrow to remedy the issue listed above.
Those of you that use the Play-by-Play of Soccer will want to update, as it also fixes issues with goalie minutes played and other goalie statistics.
You can download the update at www.dakstats.com under Download.
Once you have it updated, we also need to update the database. To do so, go to Configure > Season and System Preferences. Click on each season you have on the computer, and click Update.
Could you please email dakstats@daktronics.com with the information you're fixing? It may be helpful for us to get a copy of your season so we can remedy the issue.